Cope, Edward D. On the zoological position of Texas. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 17():1-51
Garman, S. Reptiles and batrachians from Texas. Bulletin of the Essex Institute 19():119-138
Cope, Edward D. Catalogue of Batrachia and Reptilia brought by William Taylor from San Diego, Texas. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 11():395-398
Garman, S. On Texas reptiles collected by Mr. F.W. Wamsley for Professor J.W.P. Jenks. Bulletin of the Essex Institute 24():98-109
Cope, Edward D. The Batrachia and Reptilia of north western Texas. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 1892():331-337
Cragin, F. W. Herpetological notes from Kansas and Texas. Colorado College Studies 5():37-39
Test, F. C. Annotated list of reptiles and batrachians collected in Missouri and Texas in the fall of 1891. Bulletin United State Fisheries Commission 1892(1894):121-122
Brown, A. E. Texas reptiles and their faunal relations. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 55():543-558
Strecker, John K. The reptiles and batrachians of Victoria and Refugio counties, Texas. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 21():47-52
Strecker, John K. The reptiles and batrachians of McLennun county, Texas. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 21():69-83
Strecker, John K. Reptiles and amphibians collected in Brewster county, Texas. Baylor University Bulletin (Waco) 12():11-15
Strecker, John K. Notes on the herpetology of Burnet county, Texas. Baylor University Bulletin (Waco) 12():1-9
Strecker, John K. Reptiles and amphibians of Texas. Baylor University Bulletin (Waco) 18(4):3-82
Strecker, John K. An Annotated Catalogue of the amphibians and reptiles of Bexar County, Texas. Bulletin Sci. Soc. San Antonio 4():1-31
Strecker, John K. Amphibians and reptiles collected in Somerwell County, Texas. Contributions of the Baylor University Museum, Waco, Texas 2():1-2
Strecker, John K. Notes on the herpetology of the East Texas Timber Belt. 1. Liberty County amphibians and reptiles. Contributions of the Baylor University Museum, Waco, Texas 3():1-3
Strecker, John K. A list of the reptiles and amphibians collected by Louis Garni in the vicinity of Boerne, Texas. Contributions of the Baylor University Museum, Waco, Texas 6():3-9
Strecker, John K. Notes on the herpetology of the East Texas Timber Belt. 2. Henderson County amphibians and reptiles. Contributions of the Baylor University Museum, Waco, Texas 7():3-7
Strecker, John K. Reptiles from Lindale, Smith County, Texas. Contributions of the Baylor University Museum, Waco, Texas 7(7):
Strecker, John K. Chapters from the life-histories of Texas reptiles and amphibians. 1. Contributions of the Baylor University Museum, Waco, Texas 8():2-12
Crimmins, M. L. Notes on the Texas rattlesnakes. Bulletin of the Antivenin Institute of America 1():23, 24
Amaral, A. do The anti-snakebite campaign in Texas and in the subtropical United States. Bulletin of the Antivenin Institute of America 1(3):77-85
Strecker, John K. Chapters from the life-histories of Texas reptiles and amphibians. 2. Contributions of the Baylor University Museum, Waco, Texas 10():1-14
Strecker, John K. ; Williams, W. J. Herpetological records from the vicinity of San Marcos, Texas, with distributional data on the amphibians and reptiles of the Edwards Plateau Region and Central Texas. Contributions of the Baylor University Museum, Waco, Texas 12():1-16
Crimmins, M. L. Facts about Texas snakes and their poisons. American Veterinary Medical Association (Detroit) 71():704-712
Strecker, John K. Observations on the food habits of Texas amphibians and reptiles. Copeia 1927(162):6-9
Strecker, John K. Amphibians and reptiles collected at Harlingen, Texas. Contributions of the Baylor University Museum, Waco, Texas 15():7-8
Strecker, John K. Common English and folk names for Texas amphibians and reptiles. Contributions of the Baylor University Museum, Waco, Texas 16():1-21
Strecker, John K. ; Williams, W. J. Field notes on the herpetology of Bowie County, Texas. Contributions of the Baylor University Museum, Waco, Texas 17():1-19
Crimmins, M. L. Facts about Texas snakes and their poison. Texas State J. Medicine 1927(July):1-14
Strecker, John K. Doubtful Texas reptile records. Contributions of the Baylor University Museum, Waco, Texas 18():3-5
Strecker, John K. A preliminary List of the amphibians and reptiles of Tarrant County, Texas. Contributions of the Baylor University Museum, Waco, Texas 19():10-15
Strecker, John K. Field notes on the herpetology of Wilbarger County, Texas. Contributions of the Baylor University Museum, Waco, Texas 19():1-9
Strecker, John K. A catalogue of the amphibians and reptiles of Travis County, Texas. Contributions of the Baylor University Museum, Waco, Texas Tex 23():2-16
Burt, Charles E. A brief review of Texan herpetologioal history, with comments on the zoogeographical importance of the State. Bio-Log (Dallas) 2():1-2
Mosauer, W. The amphibians and reptiles of the Guadalupe Mountains of New Mexico and Texas. Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology University of Michigan 246():1-18
Strecker, John K. ; Johnson, J. E. Notes on the herpetology of Wilson County, Texas. Baylor University Bulletin (Waco) 38(3):17-23
Parks, H. B. ; Cory, V. L. Biological survey of the East Texas Big-Thicket Area. [Amphibians & reptiles]. Texas Academy of Science 51():18-20
Burt, Charles E. Contributions to Texan herpetology. IV. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 55(2):239-243
Gloyd, H. K. A case of poisoning from the bite of a black coral snake. Herpetologica 1938(1):121-126
Murray, L. T. Annotated list of amphibians and reptiles from the Chisos Mountains. Contributions of the Baylor University Museum, Waco, Texas Texas(24:):4-16
Schmidt, K. P. ; Smith, T. F. Amphibians and reptiles of the Big Bend region of Texas. Field Museum of Natural History Zoological Series 29(5):75-96
Crimmins, M. L. The treatment of poisonous snake bites in Texas. Proceedigns and Tranactions of the Texas Academy of Sciences 29():54-01
Mohr, C. E. Unique animals inhabit subterranean Texas. National Speleological Society Bulletin 10():15-21 88
Smith, Hobart M. The map turtles of Texas. Proceedigns and Tranactions of the Texas Academy of Sciences 30():60
Jameson, D. L. ; Flury, A. G. The reptiles and amphibians of the Sierra Vieja Range of south-western Texas. Texas Journal of Science 1(2):54-79
Curtis, L. A key to the snakes of Dallas County, Texas. Fiedl and Laboratory (Dallas) 17(4):146-150
Curtis, L. The snakes of Dallas County, Texas. Fiedl and Laboratory (Dallas) 35(5):5-13
Flury, A. G. Range extensions for two West Texas snakes. Copeia 1949():293
Brown, B. C. An annotated check list of the reptiles and amphibians of Texas. Baylor University Press, Waco, Texas. pp.
Milstead, W. W. ; Mecham, John S. ; McClintock, H. The amphibians and reptiles of the Stockton plateau in northern Terrell County, Texas. Texas Journal of Science 2(4):543-562
Curtis, L. Distribution of some Texas reptiles and amphibians. Fiedl and Laboratory (Dallas) 18(1):47
Werler, J. E. The poisonous snakes of Texas and the first aid treatment of their bites. Texas Game and Fish Bulletin 31():1-40
Peterson, R. L. Amphibians and reptiles of Brazos County, Texas. American Midland Naturalist 43(1):157-164
Ramsey, L. W. New localities for several Texas snakes. Herpetologica 7():176
Curtis, L. ; Tinkle, D. W. A brief outline of Texas herpetology. Texas Herpetological Society ():14 pp
Smith, Hobart M. ; Sanders, O. Distributional data on Texan amphibians and reptiles. Texas Journal of Science 4(2):204-219
Bonn, E. W. ; McCarley, W. H. The amphibians and reptiles of the Lake Texoma area. Texas Journal of Science 5():465-471
Milstead, W. W. Ecological distribution of the lizards of the La Mota mountain region of Trans-Pecos Texas. Texas Journal of Science 5(4):403-415
Guidry, E. V. Herpetological notes from southeastern Texas. Herpetologica 9():49-56
Axtell, R. W. ; Wasserman, A. O. Interesting Herpetological records from southern Texas and northern Mexico. Herpetologica 9(1):1-6
Fouquette, M. J. ; Lindsay, H. L. An ecological survey of reptiles in parts of Northwestern Texas. Texas Journal of Science 7(4):402-421
Minton, Sherman A. Some health problems for the medical zoologist in the Big Bend country. Quarterly Bulletin of the Indiana University Medical Center 1955():unpaginated
Minton, Sherman A. Observations on amphibians and reptiles of the Big Bend region of Texas. Southwestern Naturalist 3():28-54
Axtell, R. W. Amphibians and reptiles of the Black Gap Wild Life management area, Brewster County, Texas. Southwestern Naturalist 4():88-109
Milstead, W. W. Drift-fence trapping of lizards on the Black Gap wildlife management area of South-western Texas. Texas Journal of Science 11():150-157
Raun, G. G. Terrestrial and aquatic vertebrates of a moist, relict area in Central Texas. Texas Journal of Science 11(2):158-171
Olson, R. E. Notes on some Texas herptiles. Herpetologica 15():48
Milstead, W. W. Supplementary notes on the herpetofauna of the Stockton Plateau. Texas Journal of Science 12():228-231
Sabath, M. D. Eggs and young of several Texas reptiles. Herpetologica 16():72
Webb, R. G. ; Packard, R. L. Notes of some amphibians and reptiles from eastern Texas. Southwestern Naturalist 6():105-107
Milstead, W. W. Observations of the activities of small animals (Reptilia and Mammalia) on a quadrat in Southwest Texas. American Midland Naturalist 65():127-138
Kennedy, J. P. Natural history notes on some snakes of eastern Texas. Texas Journal of Science 16():210-215
Peters, U. Beobachtungen an Echsen in Texas und Arizona. DATZ Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift 17(21-23):
Tinkle, D. W. ; Knopf, G. N. Biologically significant distribution records for amphibians and reptiles in northwest Texas. Herpetologica 20():42-47
Raun, G. G. A guide to Texas snakes. Texas Memorial Museum, University of Texas, Austin, Texas Museum Notes 9():1-85
Dial, B. E. Distributional notes on reptiles and amphibians from north-eastern Texas. Southwestern Naturalist 10():143-144
Tanzer, E. C. ; Morrison, E. O. ; Hoffpauir, C. New locality records for amphibians and reptiles in Texas. Southwestern Naturalist 11():131-132
Degenhardt, William G. A method of counting some diurnal ground lizards of the genera Holbrookia and Cnemidophorus with results from the Big Bend National Park. American Midland Naturalist 75():61-100
Reddell, J. R. A checklist of the cave fauna of Texas. 3. Vertebrata. Texas Journal of Science 19():184-226
Olson, R. E. Peripheral range extensions and some new records of Texas amphibians and reptiles. Texas Journal of Science 19():99-106
Degenhardt, William G. Reptilian distribution in Big Bend National Park, Texas. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 48():82
Milstead, W. W. ; Tinkle, D. W. Interrelationships of feeding habits in a population of lizards in south-western Texas. American Midland Naturalist 81():491-499
Dexter, A Wilderness potential of Padre Island. National Parks and Conservation Magazine 44(275):14-19
Michael, E. D. Snake visits to an earthen tank in south Texas. Journal of Herpetology 5():195-196
Wright, J. Account of a field trip to Arizona and Texas (August 10 to 21, 1971). Herpetology 5(4):9-13
Reddell, J. R. A checklist of the cave fauna of Texas. 6. Additional records of Vertebrata. Texas Journal of Science 22(2-3):139-158
Raun, G. G. ; Gehlbach, F. R. Amphibians and reptiles in Texas. Bulletin of the Dallas Museum of Natural History 2():1-61
Murphy, J. B. A reptile haven in Texas. International Turtle Tortoise Society Journal 6(1):6-9
Scudday, J. F. ; Dixon, James R. Diet and feeding behaviour of teiid lizards from Trans-Pecos, Texas. Southwestern Naturalist 18(3):279-289
Anonymous. Recent county records and range extensions from south central Texas. Herpetological Review 5(1):21
Thurmond, J. T. Lower vertebrate faunas of the Trinity division in north-central Texas. Geoscience Man 8():103-129
Thomas, R. A. A checklist of Texas amphibians and reptiles. Technical Services Texas Parks and Wildlfie Department 17():1-16
Beasom, S. L. Selectivity of predator control techniques in South Texas. Journal of Wildlife Management 38(4):837-844
Anonymous. New county records and range extensions for Texas amphibians and reptiles. Herpetological Review 6(3):79
Merkord, G. W. Range extensions and new county records of some Texas amphibians and reptiles. Herpetological Review 6(3):79
Cys, J. M. New county records and range extensions of some west Texas reptiles. Herpetological Review 7(3):126
Matner, C. M. ; Dixon, James R. Geographic records of some south Texas amphibians and reptiles. Herpetological Review 7(3):127
Rogers, J. S. Species density and taxonomic diversity of Texas amphibians and reptiles. Systematic Zoology 25(1):26-40
Gusey, W. F. The fish and wildlife resources of the Georges Bank region. Environmental Affairs Shell Oil Company, Houston, Texas. pp.
Anonymous. New rules proposed for collecting in Texas. Herpetology 9(2):18-19
Conant, Roger The Florida water snake (Reptilia, Serpentes, Colubridae) established at Brownsville, Texas, with comments on other Herpetological introductions in the area. Journal of Herpetology 11(2):217-220
Milstead, W. W. The Black Gap whiptail lizards after twenty years. Pages in National Park Service, Washington, D. C.. pp.
Karges, J. P. Texas amphibians and reptiles: some new distributional records, part 1. Herpetological Review 9(4):143-145
Neck, R. W. Occurrence of marine turtles in the lower Rio Grande of south Texas (Reptilia, Testudines). Journal of Herpetology 12(3):422-427
Mecham, John S. The biogeographical relationships of the amphibians and reptiles of the Guadalupe Mountains. National Parks Service Transactions and Proceedings Series 4():169-179
Gehlbach, F. R. Biomes of the Guadalupe Escarpment: vegetation, lizards and human impact. National Parks Service Transactions and Proceedings Series 4():427-439
Karges, J. P. Texas amphibians and reptiles: some new distributional records, part 2. Herpetological Review 10(4):119-121
Wauer, R. H. Naturalist's Big Bend. An introduction to the trees and shrubs, wildflowers, cacti, mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians, fish and insects. Rev. ed. Texas A & M University Press, College Station, Texas. pp.
Vance, T. Notes concerning locality data of some Texas reptiles. Part 1: new county records. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 15(3):70-76
Rabalais, S. C. ; Rabalais, N. N. The occurrence of Sea Turtles on the south Texas coast. Contributions in Marine Science 23():123-129
Harris, A. H. The modern vertebrate fauna of the Van Horn Country. New Mexico Geological Society Field Conference Guidebook 31():295-297
Wilkins, K. T. ; Schmidly, D. J. Highway mortality of vertebrates in southeastern Texas. Texas Journal of Science 32(4):343-350
Karges, J. P. Texas amphibians and reptiles: some new distributional records, part 3. Herpetological Review 12(2):68-69
Flickinger, E. L. Wildlife mortality at petroleum pits in Texas. Journal of Wildlife Management 45(2):560-564
Chaney, A. H. Keys to the vertebrates of Texas. Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute, Kingsville, Texas. pp.
Parmley, D. Food items of roadrunners from Palo Pinto County, north central Texas. Texas Journal of Science 34(1):94-95
Mecham, John S. New distributional information for some snakes in western Texas. Texas Journal of Science 34(2):191
McAllister, C. T. ; Ward, R. ; Glidewell, J. R. New distributional records for selected amphibians and reptiles of Texas. Herpetological Review 14(1):52-53
Lieb, C. S. ; Roessling, V. J. Distributional records for central and southern Texas. Herpetological Review 14(2):54
Rakowitz, V. A. ; Fleet, R. R. ; Rainwater, F. L. New distributional records of Texas amphibians and reptiles. Herpetological Review 14(3):85-89
Reeves, R. R. ; Leatherwood, S. Autumn sightings of marine turtles (Cheloniidae) off south Texas. Southwestern Naturalist 28(3):281-288
Tennant, A. The snakes of Texas. Texas Monthly Press, Austin, Texas. pp.
Tennant, A. A field guide to Texas snakes. Texas Monthly Press, Austin, Texas. pp.
Mueller, A. J. Vertebrate use of nontidal wetlands on Galveston Island, Texas. Texas Journal of Science 37(2-3):215-225
Vermersch, T. G. ; Kuntz, R. E. Snakes of south-central Texas. Eakin Press, Austin, Texas. pp.
McAllister, C. T. ; Ward, R. More distributional records of amphibians and reptiles from Texas. Herpetological Review 17(1):28-30
McAllister, C. T. ; Ward, R. New distributional records of Texas herpetofauna. Texas Journal of Science 38(1):65-69
Garrett, J. M. ; Barker, D. G. A field guide to reptiles and amphibians of Texas. Texas Monthly Press, Austin, Texas. pp.
Whiting, R. M. ; Fleet, R. R. ; Rakowitz, V. A. Herpetofauna in loblolly-shortleaf pine stands of east Texas. United States Forest Service General Technical Report, SO 68. 39-48pp.
Dixon, James R. Amphibians and reptiles of Texas. W.L. Moody Jr. Natural History Series 8():1-434
Redmer, M. Observations on the urban herpetofauna of Beaumont, Texas. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 22(12):190-191
Smith, Hobart M. ; Dixon, James R. The amphibians and reptiles of Texas: A guide to records needed for Mexico. Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society 23(4):154-157
McAllister, C. T. New county records for amphibians and reptiles of north central Texas. Herpetological Review 19(3):61-62
Shaver, D. J. ; Amos, A. Sea Turtle nesting on Texas beaches in 1987. Marine Turtle Newsletter 42():7-9
Owen, J. G. Patterns of herpetofaunal species richness: relation to temperature, precipitation, and variance in elevation. Journal of Biogeography 16(2):141-150
McCord, J. S. ; Dorcas, M. E. New Texas Herpetological distribution records from the University of Texas at Arlington Collection of Vertebrates. Herpetological Review 20(4):94,96
Owen, J. G. ; Dixon, James R. An ecogeographic analysis of the herpetofauna of Texas. Southwestern Naturalist 34(2):165-180
Schafer, T. S. ; Kasper, S. Additional Herpetological records for Texas. Texas Journal of Science 41(3):337-338
Ward, R. ; Zimmerman, E. G. ; King, T. L. Multivariate analyses of terrestrial reptilian distribution in Texas: An alternative view. Southwestern Naturalist 35(4):441-445
Rudolph, D. C. ; Dickson, J. G. Streamside zone width and amphibian and reptile abundance. Southwestern Naturalist 35(4):472-476
Ford, N. B. ; Cobb, V. A. ; Lamar, W. W. Reproductive data on snakes from northeastern Texas. Texas Journal of Science 42(4):355-368
Cobb, V. A. ; Cobb, L. M. New county records for amphibians and reptiles of east Texas. Herpetological Review 22(1):27-28
Butterfield, B. P. ; Trauth, S. E. ; Steward, T. W. ; McDaniel, V. R. ; McLarty, P. New county records of amphibians and reptiles from Texas. Herpetological Review 22(1):28
Ford, N. B. ; Cobb, V. A. ; Stout, J. Species diversity and seasonal abundance of snakes in a mixed pine-hardwood forest of eastern Texas. Southwestern Naturalist 36(2):171-177
Vermersch, T. G. Lizards and turtles of South-Central Texas. Eakin Press, Austin, Texas. pp.
Thornton, O. W. ; Smith, J. R. New county records of amphibians and reptiles from west-central Texas. Herpetological Review 24(1):35-36
Keck, M. B. New distributional records of amphibians and reptiles from Titus County, Texas. Texas Journal of Science 45(4):360-362
Hibbitts, Troy D., and Marla P. Hibbitts. New county records of amphibians and reptiles from northeastern Texas. Herpetological Review 25(1):35-36
Blair, K. B. ; Smith, Hobart M. ; Chiszar, D. Thirty-five new Herpetological county records for Texas. Herpetological Review 25(1):36-37
Boundy, J. County records for Texas amphibians and reptiles. Herpetological Review 25(3):129
Shaver, D. J. Relative abundance, temporal patterns, and growth of Sea Turtles at the Mansfield Channel, Texas. Journal of Herpetology 28(4):491-497
Bartlett, R. D. Herping in Texas: Tthe Big Bend. Tropical Fish Hobbyist 42(11):112, 114, 116-118, 120, 122-126
Reid, J. A. ; Whiting, R. M. Herpetofauna of pitcher plant bogs and adjacent forests in eastern Texas. Proceedings of the Annual Conference Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 48():411-421
Shaver, D. J. Sea Turtle strandings along the Texas coast reach alarming levels. Marine Turtle Newsletter 66():8-9
Shaver, D. J. Sea Turtle abundance, seasonality, and growth at the Mansfield Channel, Texas. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC 341():166-169
Williams, J. A. ; Manzella, S. ; Tidwell, J. Radio and sonic tracking of Sea Turtles in south Texas. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC 341():266-268
Hardy, L. M. Checklist of the amphibians and reptiles of the Caddo Lake watershed in Texas and Louisiana. Bulletin of the Museum of Life Sciences (Shreveport) 10():1-31
Dundee, Harold A. New Texas herpetofaunal county records represented in the Tulane University Museum of Natural History. Herpetological Review 26(4):211-212
Slater, S. C. The reptiles and amphibians of Coleman County, Texas. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 30(1):10-11
Manning, R. W. ; Jones, C. ; Yancey, F. D. Noteworthy records of amphibians and reptiles from northwestern and western Texas. Texas Journal of Science 47(3):231-235
Shaver, D. J. Sea Turtle strandings along the Texan coast again cause concern. Marine Turtle Newsletter 70():2-4
Killebrew, F. C. ; Blair, K. B. ; Chiszar, D. ; Smith, Hobart M. New records for amphibians and reptiles from Texas. Herpetological Review 27(2):90-91
Hibbitts, Troy D., Marla P. Hibbitts and Toby J. Hibbitts. New distributional records of reptiles from western and Trans-Pecos Texas, USA. Herpetological Review 27(4):217-218
Stabenau, E. K. ; Stanley, K. S. ; Landry, A. M. Sex ratios from stranded Sea Turtles on the upper Texas coast. Journal of Herpetology 30(3):427-430
Bartlett, R. D. Herping Texas: Brownsville to Falcon Dam. Tropical Fish Hobbyist 44(5):164-166, 168-170, 172, 174, 176, 178, 180
Blair, K. B. ; Chiszar, D. ; Smith, Hobart M. New records for Texas amphibians and reptiles. Herpetological Review 28(2):99
Smith, Hobart M. ; Chiszar, D. New records for amphibians and reptiles from Texas. Herpetological Review 28(2):99-100
Perez, J. ; Freed, P. East Texas: land of diversity, land of herps. Reptile & Amphibian Magazine 50():58-65
Gutberlet, R. L. ; Stewart, C. L. ; Keck, M. B. New distributional records for Texas reptiles and amphibians. Southwestern Naturalist 43(1):6-12
Shaver, D. J. Sea Turtle strandings along the Texas coast, 1980-94. NOAA Technical Report NMFS 143():57-72
Bradley, R. D. ; Jolley, T. W. ; Peppers, L. L. ; Roberts, H. R. ; Johnson, E. ; Pace, L. ; Angulo, S. ; Riskind, D. ; Baker, R. J. Checklist of the recent vertebrate fauna of the Lubbock Lake Landmark State Historical Park: 1995-1997. Occasional Papers Museum of Texas Tech University 184():1-7
Ruthven, D. C. ; Kazmaier, R. T. ; Moody, J. K. New county records from Dimmit and La Salle counties, Texas, USA. Herpetological Review 30(4):238
Kopachena, J. G. ; Kollar, C. S. A Herpetological survey of three old-field sites at Cooper Lake in northeast Texas. Texas Journal of Science 51(3):211-224
Fleet, R. R. ; Autrey, B. C. Herpetofaunal assemblages of four forest types from the Caddo Lake area of northeastern Texas. Texas Journal of Science 51(4):297-308
Werler, J. E. ; Dixon, James R. Texas snakes: identification, distribution, and natural history. University of Texas Press, Austin, Texas. pp.
Dixon, James R. Amphibians and reptiles of Texas. Second edition. W.L. Moody Jr. Natural History Series 25():1-421
Lewis, S. D. ; Fleet, R. R. ; Rainwater, F. L. ; Siemann, E. Herpetofaunal assemblages of four forest types in the Big Sandy Creek Unit of the Big Thicket National Preserve. Texas Journal of Science 52(4):139-150
LaDuc, Travis J. ; Infante, C. R. New Texas county records of amphibians and reptiles. Herpetological Review 32(4):284-285
Bryson, R. W. ; Mueller, J. M. New county records of amphibians and reptiles from Texas. Herpetological Review 33(3):229
Ruthven, D. C. ; Kazmaier, R. T. ; Gallagher, J. F. ; Synatzske, D. R. Seasonal variation in herpetofauna abundance and diversity in the south Texas plains. Southwestern Naturalist 47(1):102-109
Ceballos, C. P. ; Fitzgerald, L. A. The trade in native and exotic turtles in Texas. Wildlife Society Bulletin 32(3):881-892
Dixon, James R. ; Werler, J. E. Texas snakes: A field guide. University of Texas Press, Austin, Texas. pp.
Stake, M. M. ; Thompson, F. R. ; Faaborg, J. ; Burhans, D. E. Patterns of snake predation at songbird nests in Missouri and Texas. Journal of Herpetology 39(2):215-222
Ryberg, W. A. ; Fitzgerald, L. A. Herpetofaunal inventory of Fort Wolters in north-central Texas. Southwestern Naturalist 50(2):267-272
Ford, N. B. ; Hampton, P. M. The amphibians and reptiles of Camp Maxey, Lamar County, Texas with comments on census methods. Texas Journal of Science 57(4):359-370
Tennant, A. Texas snakes. Third edition. Taylor Trade Publishing, Lanham, Maryland. pp.
Collins, Joseph T., Suzanne L. Collins, and Kelly J. Irwin. A survey of the amphibians, turtles, and reptiles of the eastern portion of the Kiowa National Grassland of New Mexico and the Rita Blanca National Grassland of adjacent Oklahoma and Texas. Journal of Kansas Herpetology 18():10-20
Fontenot, B. E. ; Ford, N. B. ; Brenes, R. ; Hampton, P. M. New county records for reptiles and amphibians from Northeast Texas. Herpetological Review 37(1):111-112
McAllister, C. T. New geographic distribution records of amphibians and reptiles in Texas. Herpetological Review 37(2):246
Jadin, R. C. ; Coleman, J. L. New county records of amphibians and reptiles from Rains County, Texas. Herpetological Review 38(2):246-247
Radke, N. J. ; Wester, D. B. ; Perry, G. ; Rideout-Hanzak, S. Short-term effects of prescribed fire on lizards in mesquite-Ashe juniper vegetation in central Texas. Applied Herpetology 5(3):281-292
Coleman, J. L. ; Pruett, J. A. New county records of reptiles and amphibians from East Texas. Herpetological Review 39(2):246-247
Ruthven, D. C. ; Kazmaier, R. T. ; Janis, M. W. Short-term response of herpetofauna to various burning regimes in the South Texas Plains. Southwestern Naturalist 53(4):480-487
Ferguson, A. W. ; McDonough, M. M. ; Forstner, M. R. J. Herpetofaunal inventory of Camp Mabry, Austin, Texas: Community composition in an urban landscape. Texas Journal of Science 60(2):123-136
Patrikeev, M. Herpetofauna of Lake Meredith National Recreation Area and Alibates Flint Quarries National Monument and the vicinity (Potter, Hutchinson, and Moore Counties, Texas). Occasional Papers Museum of Texas Tech University 274():1-21
Jones, L. L. C. ; Lovich, R. E. (eds. ) Lizards of the American southwest. A photographic field guide. Rio Nuevo Publishers, Tucson, Arizona. pp.
Price, A. H. Venomous snakes of Texas: A field guide. University of Texas Press, Austin, Texas. pp.
Hunkapiller, T. R. ; Ford, N. B. ; Herriman, K. The effects of all-terrain vehicle use on the herpetofauna of an east Texas floodplain. Texas Journal of Science 61(1):3-14
Hampton, P. M. ; Ford, N. B. ; Herriman, K. Impacts of active oil pumps and deer feed plots on amphibian and reptile assemblages in a floodplain. American Midland Naturalist 163(1):44-53
Prestridge, H. L. ; Fitzgerald, L. A. ; Hibbitts, T. J. Trade in non-native amphibians and reptiles in Texas: lessons for better monitoring and implications for species introduction. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 6(3):324-339
Brown, D. J. ; Farallo, V. R. ; Dixon, James R. ; Baccus, J. T. ; Simpson, T. R. ; Forstner, M. R. J. Freshwater turtle conservation in Texas: Harvest effects and efficacy of the current management regime. Journal of Wildlife Management 75(3):486-494
Adams, C. K. ; Saenz, D. Use of artificial wildlife ponds by reptiles in eastern Texas. Herpetological Bulletin 115():4-11
Pauly, G. B. Geographic distribution: New county records for the rolling plains of North Texas. Herpetological Review 43(1):115
Cox, C. L. ; Moseley, M. A. ; Pasichnyk, P. N. ; Tovar, R. U. ; Smart, U. ; Angarita-Sierra, T. G. New county records for reptiles and amphibians from south and southeast Texas. Herpetological Review 43(2):315-316
Brown, D. J. ; Dixon, James R. ; Forstner, M. R. J. Visual summary of herpetofaunal diversity in Texas. Southwestern Naturalist 57(4):465-467
Dixon, James R. Amphibians and reptiles of Texas. 3rd rev. ed. Texas A&M University Press, Austin, Texas. pp.
Hill, S. K. ; Vodopich, D. S. Habitat use and basking behavior of a freshwater turtle community along an urban gradient. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 12(2):275-282
Dixon, James R. Amphibians and reptiles of Texas. With keys, taxonomic synopses, bibliography, and distribution maps. 3rd ed. Revised and updated. W.L. Moody Jr. Natural History Series 45():447
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Brown, D. J. ; Duarte, A. ; Mali, I. ; Jones, M. C. ; Forstner, M. R. J. Potential impacts of a high severity wildfire on abundance, movement, and diversity of herpetofaunain the Lost Pines Ecoregion of Texas. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 9(1):192-205
Hibbitts, Troy D. and Troy J. Hibbitts. Texas Lizards - A Field Guide. University of Texas Press, Austin, Texas. pp.
Lemos-Espinal, J. A. Amphibians and reptiles of the US-Mexico border states. Texas A&M University Press, College Station, Texas. pp.
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Hibbitts, Troy D. and Troy J. Hibbitts. Texas Turtles & Crocodilians - A Field Guide. University of Texas Press, Austin, Texas. pp.
Adams, C. S. ; Hibbitts, T. J. ; Campbell, T. A. New amphibian and reptile county records from the Lower Rio Grande Valley in Texas, USA. Herpetological Review 47(3):430-431
Dexheimer, E. West Texas sand rush exposes faults in state’s lizard protection plan. Reptiles & Amphibians 24(3):211-213
Smith, M. ; King, C. Herping Texas: Tthe Quest for Reptiles and Amphibians. Texas A & M University Press, College Station, Texas. pp.
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