Provincial/State Species Lists and References

Canada: Alberta (20) British Columbia (41) Labrador (7) Manitoba (24) New Brunswick (24) Newfoundland (7) Northwest Territories (6) Nova Scotia (24) Nunavut (3) Ontario (53) Prince Edward Island (14) Quebec (38) Saskatchewan (22) Yukon (4)

Alabama (177) Alaska (10) Arizona (155) Arkansas (126) California (206) Colorado (74) Connecticut (50) Delaware (67) District of Columbia (59) Florida (192) Georgia (184) Hawaii (33) Idaho (40) Illinois (106) Indiana (97) Iowa (70) Kansas (99) Kentucky (114) Louisiana (150) Maine (39) Maryland (94) Massachusetts (53) Michigan (55) Minnesota (51) Mississippi (153) Missouri (117) Montana (34) Nebraska (62) Nevada (79) New Hampshire (42) New Jersey (79) New Mexico (136) New York (73) North Carolina (168) North Dakota (28) Ohio (83) Oklahoma (143) Oregon (72) Pennsylvania (81) Rhode Island (44) South Carolina (142) South Dakota (46) Tennessee (142) Texas (240) Utah (76) Vermont (40) Virginia (150) Washington (51) West Virginia (90) Wisconsin (55) Wyoming (40)

Established Extant Amphibians and Reptiles of Utah

Amphibia Gray, 1825 — Amphibians
Anura Fischer von Waldheim, 1813 — Frogs
Bufonidae Gray, 1825 — True Toads
Anaxyrus boreas (Baird and Girard, 1852) — Western Toad
Anaxyrus cognatus (Say in James, 1822) — Great Plains Toad
Anaxyrus microscaphus (Cope, 1866) — Arizona Toad
Anaxyrus punctatus (Baird and Girard, 1852) — Red-spotted Toad
Anaxyrus woodhousii (Girard, 1854) — Woodhouse's Toad
Hylidae Rafinesque, 1815 — Treefrogs and Allies
Dryophytes arenicolor (Cope, 1866) — Canyon Treefrog
Pseudacris hypochondriaca (Hallowell, 1854) — Baja California Treefrog
Pseudacris maculata (Agassiz, 1850) — Boreal Chorus Frog
Pseudacris sierra (Jameson, Mackey, and Richmond, 1966) — Sierran Treefrog
Ranidae Rafinesque, 1814 — True Frogs
Lithobates catesbeianus (Shaw, 1802) — North American Bullfrog
Lithobates clamitans (Latreille in Sonnini de Manoncourt and Latreille, 1801) — North American Green Frog
Lithobates onca (Cope In Yarrow, 1875, in Wheeler (Editor)) — Relict Leopard Frog
Lithobates pipiens (Schreber, 1782) — Northern Leopard Frog
Lithobates yavapaiensis (Platz and Frost, 1984) — Lowland Leopard Frog
Rana luteiventris Thompson, 1913 — Columbia Spotted Frog
Scaphiopodidae Cope, 1865 — North American Spadefoots
Spea bombifrons (Cope, 1863) — Plains Spadefoot
Spea intermontana (Cope, 1883) — Great Basin Spadefoot
Spea multiplicata (Cope, 1863) — Mexican Spadefoot
Caudata Scopoli, 1777 — Salamanders
Ambystomatidae Gray, 1850 — Mole Salamanders
Ambystoma tigrinum (Green, 1825) — Eastern Tiger Salamander
Reptilia Laurenti, 1768 — Reptiles
Squamata (part) Oppel, 1811 — Snakes
Boidae Gray, 1842 — Boas
Charina bottae (Blainville, 1835) — Rubber Boa
Colubridae Oppel, 1811 — Harmless Egg-laying Snakes
Arizona elegans Kennicott, in Baird, 1859 — Glossy Snake
Coluber constrictor Linnaeus, 1758 — North American Racer
Lampropeltis californiae (Blainville, 1835) — California Kingsnake
Lampropeltis gentilis (Baird and Girard, 1853) — Western Milksnake
Lampropeltis pyromelana (Cope, 1867) — Arizona Mountain Kingsnake
Masticophis flagellum (Shaw, 1802) — Common Coachwhip
Masticophis taeniatus (Hallowell, 1852) — Striped Whipsnake
Opheodrys vernalis (Harlan, 1827) — Smooth Greensnake
Pantherophis emoryi (Baird and Girard, 1853) — Great Plains Ratsnake
Phyllorhynchus decurtatus (Cope, 1868) — Spotted Leaf-nosed Snake
Pituophis catenifer (Blainville, 1835) — Gophersnake
Rhinocheilus lecontei Baird and Girard, 1853 — Long-nosed Snake
Salvadora hexalepis (Cope, 1866) — Western Patch-nosed Snake
Sonora semiannulata Baird and Girard, 1853 — Western Groundsnake
Tantilla hobartsmithi Taylor, 1937 — Southwestern Black-headed Snake
Trimorphodon lambda Cope, 1886 — Sonoran Lyresnake
Crotalidae Oppel, 1811 — Pit Vipers
Crotalus cerastes Hallowell, 1854 — Sidewinder
Crotalus oreganus Holbrook, 1840 — Western Rattlesnake
Crotalus pyrrhus (Cope, 1867 “1866”) — Southwestern Speckled Rattlesnake
Crotalus scutulatus (Kennicott, 1861) — Mohave Rattlesnake
Crotalus viridis (Rafinesque, 1818) — Prairie Rattlesnake
Dipsadidae Bonaparte, 1838 — Harmless Rear-Fanged Snakes
Diadophis punctatus (Linnaeus, 1766) — Ring-necked Snake
Hypsiglena chlorophaea Cope, 1860 — Desert Nightsnake
Leptotyphlopidae Stejneger, 1891 — Threadsnakes
Rena humilis Baird and Girard, 1853 — Western Threadsnake
Natricidae Bonaparte, 1838 — Harmless Egg-Retaining Snakes
Thamnophis cyrtopsis (Kennicott, 1860) — Black-necked Gartersnake
Thamnophis elegans (Baird and Girard, 1853) — Terrestrial Gartersnake
Thamnophis sirtalis (Linnaeus, 1758) — Common Gartersnake
Squamata (part) Oppel, 1811 — Other Lizards
Anguidae Gray, 1825 — Anguid Lizards
Elgaria coerulea (Wiegmann, 1828) — Northern Alligator Lizard
Crotaphytidae Smith and Brodie, 1982 — Collared and Leopard Lizards
Crotaphytus bicinctores Smith and Tanner, 1972 — Great Basin Collared Lizard
Crotaphytus collaris (Say in James, 1822 “1823”) — Eastern Collared Lizard
Gambelia wislizenii (Baird and Girard, 1852) — Long-nosed Leopard Lizard
Eublepharidae Boulenger, 1883 — Eyelid Geckos
Coleonyx variegatus (Baird, 1859 “1858”) — Western Banded Gecko
Helodermatidae Gray, 1837 — Gila Monsters
Heloderma suspectum Cope, 1869 — Gila Monster
Iguanidae Oppel, 1811 — Iguanas
Dipsosaurus dorsalis (Baird and Girard, 1852) — Desert Iguana
Sauromalus ater Duméril, 1856 — Common Chuckwalla
Phrynosomatidae Fitzinger, 1843 — Sand and Spiny Lizards
Callisaurus draconoides Blainville, 1835 — Zebra-tailed Lizard
Holbrookia maculata Girard, 1851 — Common Lesser Earless Lizard
Phrynosoma hernandesi Girard, 1858 — Greater Short-horned Lizard
Phrynosoma platyrhinos Girard in Barid and Girard, 1852 — Desert Horned Lizard
Sceloporus graciosus Baird and Girard, 1852 — Common Sagebrush Lizard
Sceloporus magister Hallowell, 1854 — Desert Spiny Lizard
Sceloporus occidentalis Baird and Girard, 1852 — Western Fence Lizard
Sceloporus tristichus Cope in Yarrow, 1875 — Plateau Fence Lizard
Urosaurus graciosus Hallowell, 1854 — Long-tailed Brush Lizard
Urosaurus ornatus (Baird and Girard, 1852) — Ornate Tree Lizard
Uta stansburiana Baird and Girard, 1852 — Common Side-blotched Lizard
Scincidae Gray, 1825 — Skinks
Plestiodon multivirgatus Hallowell, 1857 — Many-lined Skink
Plestiodon skiltonianus Baird and Girard, 1852 — Western Skink
Teiidae Gray, 1827 — Whiptails, Racerunners, and Ameivas
Aspidoscelis neomexicanus (Lowe and Zweifel, 1952) — New Mexico Whiptail
Aspidoscelis tigris (Baird and Girard, 1852) — Tiger Whiptail
Aspidoscelis velox (Springer, 1928) — Plateau Striped Whiptail
Xantusiidae Baird, 1859 — Night Lizards
Xantusia vigilis Baird, 1859 — Desert Night Lizard
Testudines Batsch, 1788 — Turtles
Chelydridae Gray, 1870 — Snapping Turtles
Chelydra serpentina (Linnaeus, 1758) — Common Snapping Turtle
Emydidae Gray, 1825 — Box and Basking Turtles
Chrysemys picta (Schneider, 1783) — Painted Turtle
Testudinidae Gray, 1825 — Tortoises
Gopherus agassizii (Cooper, 1861) — Mojave Desert Tortoise
Trionychidae Bell, 1828 — Softshells
Apalone spinifera (LeSueur, 1827) — Spiny Softshell

(map source

Utah Herpetological Publications
1875 Yarrow, Henry C. Report upon the collections of batrachians and reptiles made in portions of Nevada, Utah, California, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona during the years 1871, 1872, 1872, and 1874. Wheeler, G. M. ed., Report upon Geographical and Geological Explorations and Surveys West of the One Hundredth Meridian in Charge of First Lieut. Geo. M. Wheeler, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, Under the Direction of Brig. Gen. A. A. Humphryes, Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army. Volume 5 (Zoology), Part. 4. US Government, Washington, D. C. 509-584pp.
1912 Van Denburgh, J. Notes on some reptiles and amphibians from Oregon, Idaho, and Utah. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Series 4) 3():155-160
1915 Van Denburgh, J.; Slevin, Joseph R. A list of the amphibians and reptiles of Utah, with notes on the species in the collection of the Academy. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Series 4) 5():99-110
1926 Ruthven, Alexander G. Notes on Utah reptiles. Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology University of Michigan 179():1-4
1927 Tanner, V. M. Distributional list of the amphibians and reptiles of Utah. Copeia 1927(163):54-58
1928 Woodbury, A. M. The reptiles of Zion National Park. Copeia 1928(166):14-21
1928 Tanner, V. M. Distributional list of the amphibians and reptiles of Utah. Copeia 1928(166):23-28
1929 Tanner, V. M. A distributional list of the amphibians and reptiles of Utah. 3. Copeia 1929(171):46-52
1930 Pack, H. J. Snakes of Utah. Bulletin of the Utah Agricultural Experiment Satation 221():30 pp
1930 Tanner, V. M. The amphibians and reptiles of Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah. Copeia 1930():41-43
1932 Knowlton, G. F. ; Janes, M. J. Studies of the food habits of Utah lizards. Ohio Journal of Science 32():467-470
1932 Ruthven, Alexander G. Notes on the amphibians and reptiles of Utah. Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology University of Michigan 243():1-4
1932 Stuart, L. C. The lizards of the Middle Pahvant Valley, Utah; Materials for a study in Saurian distribution. Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology University of Michigan 244():1-33
1936 Cowles, R. B. ; Bogert, C. M. The herpetology of the Boulder Dam region (Nev., Ariz., Utah) Herpetologica 1936(1):33-42
1937 Presnall, C. C. Herpetological notes from Zion National Park. Copeia 1937():232
1937 Knowlton, G. F. Notes on three Utah lizards. Herpetologica 1937(1):109-110
1938 Hardy, R. An annotated list of reptiles and amphibians of Carbon County, Utah. Proceedings of the Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters 15():99-102
1939 Hardy, R. Some notes on Utah reptiles. Proceedings of the Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters 16(83):
1939 Tanner, W. W. Reptilles of Utah County. Proceedings of the Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters 16(105):
1940 Tanner, V. M. A biotic study of the Kaiparowits region of Utah. Great Basin Naturalist 1(3-4):97-126
1941 Tanner, W. W. A study of the variation in the less common snakes of Utah. Great Basin Naturalist 2():16-28
1945 Hayward, C. L. Biotic communities of Utah. Great Basin Naturalist 6(1-4):1-12
1946 Fautin, R. W. Biotic communities of the northern desert shrub biome in western Utah. Ecological Monographs (Durham) 16(4):251-310
1948 Hayward, G. L. Biotic communities of the Wasatch Chaparral, Utah. Ecological Monographs (Durham) 18(4):473-606
1950 Woodbury, A. M. ; Hansen, R. M. A snake den in Tintic Mountains, Utah. Herpetologica 6():66-70
1950 Woodbury, A. M. ; Smart, E. W. Unusual snake records from Utah and Nevada. Herpetologica 6(2):45-47
1950 Chenoweth, W. L. Records of amphibians and reptiles from New Mexico, Utah, and Arizona. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Sciences 53():532-534
1951 Woodbury, A. M. A snake den in Tooele County, Utah. Herpetologica 7(1):1-52
1952 Woodbury, A. M. Amphibians and reptiles of the Great Salt Lake Valley. Herpetologica 8():42-50
1954 Tanner, W. W. Herpetological notes concerning some reptiles of Utah and Arizona. Herpetologica 10():92-96
1958 Tanner, W. W. Herpetology of Glen Canyon of the Upper Colorado River Basin. Herpetologica 14():193-193
1965 Tanner, W. W. A comparative population study of small vertebrates in the uranium areas of the Upper Colorado River basin of Utah. Brigham Young University Science Bulletin Biology 7(1):1-31
1968 Hirth, H. F. ; King, A. C. Biomass densities of snakes in the cold desert of Utah. Herpetologica 24():333-335
1975 Tanner, W. W. 1975 checklist of Utah amphibians and reptiles. Proceedings of the Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters 52(1):4-8
1980 Atwood, N. D. ; Pritchett, C. L. ; Porter, R. D. ; Wood, B. W. Terrestrial vertebrate fauna of the Kaiparowits Basin. Great Basin Naturalist 40(4):303-350
1981 Pritchett, C. L. ; Frost, H. H. ; Tanner, W. W. Terrestrial vertebrates in the environs of Utah Lake. Great Basin Naturalist Memoirs 5():128-169
1986 Grant, C. V. Wildlife distribution and abundance on the Utah Oil Shale Tracts 1975-1984. Great Basin Naturalist 46(3):469-507
1990 Beck, D. D. Ecology and behaviour of the Gila monster in southwestern Utah. Journal of Herpetology 24(1):54-68
1997 Tanner, W. W. Utah reptiles occurring only in southern Utah. Great Basin Naturalist 57(4):369-370
2007 Shofner, R. M. A modern checklist of the amphibians, reptiles, and turtles of Utah. Journal of Kansas Herpetology 21():16-18
2009 Jones, L. L. C. ; Lovich, R. E. (eds. ) Lizards of the American southwest. A photographic field guide. Rio Nuevo Publishers, Tucson, Arizona. pp.
2013 Parker, J. M. ; Brito, S. Reptiles & Amphibians of the Mojave Desert – A Field Guide. Snell Press, Las Vegas Nevada. pp.
2016 Parker, W. S. ; Brown, W. S. The Utah snake dens 75 years later: A historical review. Herpetological Review 47(3):365-373

THE CENTER FOR NORTH AMERICAN HERPETOLOGY — Accessed: Friday 24 January 2025 00:34 CT