Provincial/State Species Lists and References

Canada: Alberta (20) British Columbia (41) Labrador (7) Manitoba (24) New Brunswick (24) Newfoundland (7) Northwest Territories (6) Nova Scotia (24) Nunavut (3) Ontario (53) Prince Edward Island (14) Quebec (38) Saskatchewan (22) Yukon (4)

Alabama (177) Alaska (10) Arizona (155) Arkansas (126) California (206) Colorado (74) Connecticut (50) Delaware (67) District of Columbia (59) Florida (192) Georgia (184) Hawaii (33) Idaho (40) Illinois (106) Indiana (97) Iowa (70) Kansas (99) Kentucky (114) Louisiana (150) Maine (39) Maryland (94) Massachusetts (53) Michigan (55) Minnesota (51) Mississippi (153) Missouri (117) Montana (34) Nebraska (62) Nevada (79) New Hampshire (42) New Jersey (79) New Mexico (136) New York (73) North Carolina (168) North Dakota (28) Ohio (83) Oklahoma (143) Oregon (72) Pennsylvania (81) Rhode Island (44) South Carolina (142) South Dakota (46) Tennessee (142) Texas (240) Utah (76) Vermont (40) Virginia (150) Washington (51) West Virginia (90) Wisconsin (55) Wyoming (40)

Established Extant Amphibians and Reptiles of Illinois

Amphibia Gray, 1825 — Amphibians
Anura Fischer von Waldheim, 1813 — Frogs
Bufonidae Gray, 1825 — True Toads
Anaxyrus americanus (Holbrook, 1836) — American Toad
Anaxyrus fowleri (Hinckley, 1882) — Fowler's Toad
Hylidae Rafinesque, 1815 — Treefrogs and Allies
Acris blanchardi Harper, 1947 — Blanchard's Cricket Frog
Dryophytes avivoca (Viosca, 1928) — Bird-voiced Treefrog
Dryophytes chrysoscelis (Cope, 1880) — Cope's Gray Treefrog
Dryophytes cinereus (Schneider, 1799) — Green Treefrog
Dryophytes versicolor (LeConte, 1825) — Gray Treefrog
Pseudacris crucifer (Wied-Neuwied, 1838) — Spring Peeper
Pseudacris feriarum (Baird, 1854) — Upland Chorus Frog
Pseudacris illinoensis Smith, 1951 — Illinois Chorus Frog
Pseudacris maculata (Agassiz, 1850) — Boreal Chorus Frog
Pseudacris triseriata (Wied-Neuwied, 1838) — Western Chorus Frog
Microhylidae Gunther, 1843 — Micohylid Frogs and Toads
Gastrophryne carolinensis (Holbrook, 1836) — Eastern Narrow-mouthed Toad
Ranidae Rafinesque, 1814 — True Frogs
Lithobates areolatus (Baird and Girard, 1852) — Crawfish Frog
Lithobates blairi (Mecham, Littlejohn, Oldham, Brown, and Brown, 1973) — Plains Leopard Frog
Lithobates catesbeianus (Shaw, 1802) — North American Bullfrog
Lithobates clamitans (Latreille in Sonnini de Manoncourt and Latreille, 1801) — North American Green Frog
Lithobates palustris (LeConte, 1825) — Pickerel Frog
Lithobates pipiens (Schreber, 1782) — Northern Leopard Frog
Lithobates sphenocephalus (Cope, 1886) — Southern Leopard Frog
Lithobates sylvaticus (LeConte, 1825) — Wood Frog
Scaphiopodidae Cope, 1865 — North American Spadefoots
Scaphiopus holbrookii (Harlan, 1835) — Eastern Spadefoot
Caudata Scopoli, 1777 — Salamanders
Ambystomatidae Gray, 1850 — Mole Salamanders
Ambystoma jeffersonianum (Green, 1827) — Jefferson Salamander
Ambystoma laterale Hallowell, 1856 — Blue-spotted Salamander
Ambystoma maculatum (Shaw, 1802) — Spotted Salamander
Ambystoma opacum (Gravenhorst, 1807) — Marbled Salamander
Ambystoma talpoideum (Holbrook, 1838) — Mole Salamander
Ambystoma texanum (Matthes, 1855) — Small-mouthed Salamander
Ambystoma tigrinum (Green, 1825) — Eastern Tiger Salamander
Cryptobranchidae Fitzinger, 1825 — Giant Salamanders
Cryptobranchus alleganiensis (Sonnini de Manoncourt and Latreille, 1801) — Hellbender
Plethodontidae Gray, 1850 — Lungless Salamanders
Desmognathus conanti Rossman, 1958 — Spotted Dusky Salamander
Eurycea cirrigera (Green, 1831) — Southern Two-lined Salamander
Eurycea longicauda (Green, 1818) — Long-tailed Salamander
Eurycea lucifuga Rafinesque, 1822 — Cave Salamander
Hemidactylium scutatum (Temminck, 1838) — Four-toed Salamander
Plethodon cinereus (Green, 1818) — Eastern Red-backed Salamander
Plethodon dorsalis Cope, 1889 — Northern Zigzag Salamander
Plethodon glutinosus (Green, 1818) — Northern Slimy Salamander
Proteidae Gray, 1825 — Mudpuppys and Olms
Necturus maculosus (Rafinesque, 1818) — Mudpuppy
Salamandridae Goldfuss, 1820 — Newts
Notophthalmus viridescens (Rafinesque, 1820) — Eastern Newt
Sirenidae Gray, 1825 — Sirens
Siren nettingi Goin, 1942 — Western Lesser Siren
Reptilia Laurenti, 1768 — Reptiles
Squamata (part) Oppel, 1811 — Snakes
Colubridae Oppel, 1811 — Harmless Egg-laying Snakes
Coluber constrictor Linnaeus, 1758 — North American Racer
Lampropeltis calligaster (Harlan, 1827) — Prairie Kingsnake
Lampropeltis holbrooki Stejneger, 1902 — Speckled Kingsnake
Lampropeltis nigra (Yarrow, 1882) — Eastern Black Kingsnake
Lampropeltis triangulum (Lacépède, 1789) — Eastern Milksnake
Masticophis flagellum (Shaw, 1802) — Common Coachwhip
Opheodrys aestivus (Linnaeus, 1766) — Northern Rough Greensnake
Opheodrys vernalis (Harlan, 1827) — Smooth Greensnake
Pantherophis alleghaniensis (Holbrook, 1836) — Midland Ratsnake
Pantherophis emoryi (Baird and Girard, 1853) — Great Plains Ratsnake
Pantherophis obsoletus (Say in James, 1822) — Western Ratsnake
Pantherophis vulpinus (Baird and Girard, 1853) — Eastern Foxsnake
Pituophis catenifer (Blainville, 1835) — Gophersnake
Tantilla gracilis Baird and Girard, 1853 — Flat-headed Snake
Crotalidae Oppel, 1811 — Pit Vipers
Agkistrodon contortrix (Linnaeus, 1766) — Eastern Copperhead
Agkistrodon piscivorus (Lacépède, 1789) — Northern Cottonmouth
Crotalus horridus Linnaeus, 1758 — Timber Rattlesnake
Sistrurus catenatus (Rafinesque, 1818) — Eastern Massasauga
Dipsadidae Bonaparte, 1838 — Harmless Rear-Fanged Snakes
Carphophis amoenus (Say, 1825) — Common Wormsnake
Carphophis vermis (Kennicott, 1859) — Western Wormsnake
Diadophis punctatus (Linnaeus, 1766) — Ring-necked Snake
Farancia abacura (Holbrook, 1836) — Red-bellied Mudsnake
Heterodon nasicus Edgren, 1952 — Dusty Hog-nosed Snake
Heterodon platirhinos Palisot de Beauvois in Sonnini de Manoncourt and Latreille, 1801 — Eastern Hog-nosed Snake
Natricidae Bonaparte, 1838 — Harmless Egg-Retaining Snakes
Clonophis kirtlandii (Kennicott, 1856) — Kirtland's Snake
Nerodia cyclopion (Duméril, Bibron, and Duméril, 1854) — Mississippi Green Watersnake
Nerodia erythrogaster (Forster, 1771) — Plain-bellied Watersnake
Nerodia fasciata (Linnaeus, 1766) — Southern Watersnake
Nerodia rhombifer (Hallowell, 1852) — Diamond-backed Watersnake
Nerodia sipedon (Linnaeus, 1758) — Common Watersnake
Regina grahamii Baird and Girard, 1853 — Graham's Crawfish Snake
Regina septemvittata (Say, 1825) — Queensnake
Storeria dekayi (Holbrook, 1839) — Dekay’s Brownsnake
Storeria occipitomaculata (Storer, 1839) — Red-bellied Snake
Thamnophis proximus (Say in James, 1822) — Western Ribbonsnake
Thamnophis radix (Baird and Girard, 1853) — Plains Gartersnake
Thamnophis saurita (Linnaeus, 1766) — Eastern Ribbonsnake
Thamnophis sirtalis (Linnaeus, 1758) — Common Gartersnake
Tropidoclonion lineatum (Hallowell, 1856) — Lined Snake
Virginia valeriae Baird and Girard, 1853 — Smooth Earthsnake
Squamata (part) Oppel, 1811 — Other Lizards
Anguidae Gray, 1825 — Anguid Lizards
Ophisaurus attenuatus Baird in Cope, 1880 — Slender Glass Lizard
Phrynosomatidae Fitzinger, 1843 — Sand and Spiny Lizards
Sceloporus undulatus (Bosc and Daudin in Sonnini de Manoncourt and Latreille, 1801) — Eastern Fence Lizard
Scincidae Gray, 1825 — Skinks
Plestiodon fasciatus (Linnaeus, 1758) — Common Five-lined Skink
Plestiodon laticeps (Schneider, 1801) — Broad-headed Skink
Scincella lateralis (Say, in James, 1822 “1823”) — Little Brown Skink
Teiidae Gray, 1827 — Whiptails, Racerunners, and Ameivas
Aspidoscelis sexlineatus (Linnaeus, 1766) — Six-lined Racerunner
Testudines Batsch, 1788 — Turtles
Chelydridae Gray, 1870 — Snapping Turtles
Chelydra serpentina (Linnaeus, 1758) — Common Snapping Turtle
Macrochelys temminckii (Harlan, 1835) — Western Alligator Snapping Turtle
Emydidae Gray, 1825 — Box and Basking Turtles
Chrysemys dorsalis Agassiz, 1857 — Southern Painted Turtle
Chrysemys picta (Schneider, 1783) — Painted Turtle
Clemmys guttata (Schneider, 1792) — Spotted Turtle
Emydoidea blandingii (Holbrook, 1838) — Blanding's Turtle
Graptemys geographica (LeSueur, 1817) — Northern Map Turtle
Graptemys ouachitensis Cagle, 1953 — Ouachita Map Turtle
Graptemys pseudogeographica (Gray, 1831) — False Map Turtle
Pseudemys concinna (LeConte, 1830) — River Cooter
Pseudemys floridana (LeConte, 1830) — Coastal Plain Cooter
Terrapene carolina Taylor, 1895 — Florida Box Turtle
Terrapene ornata (Agassiz, 1857) — Ornate Box Turtle
Trachemys scripta (Thunberg in Schoepff, 1792) — Pond Slider
Kinosternidae Agassiz, 1857 — Mud and Musk Turtles
Kinosternon flavescens (Agassiz, 1857) — Yellow Mud Turtle
Kinosternon subrubrum (Bonnaterre, 1789) — Eastern Mud Turtle
Sternotherus odoratus (Latreille, 1802) — Eastern Musk Turtle
Trionychidae Bell, 1828 — Softshells
Apalone mutica (LeSueur, 1827) — Smooth Softshell
Apalone spinifera (LeSueur, 1827) — Spiny Softshell

(map source

Illinois Online Herpetological References
Illinois Herpetological Publications
1891 Garman, H. A preliminary report on the animals of the Mississippi Bottoms near Quincy, Illinois, in August, 1888 Bulletin of the Illinois Lab of Natural History 3():123-184
1891 Garman, H. Notes on Illinois reptiles and amphibians, including several species not before recorded from the northern states. Bulletin of the Illinois Lab of Natural History 3():185-190
1892 Garman, H. A synopsis of the reptiles and amphibians of Illinois. Bulletin of the Illinois Lab of Natural History 3():215-389
1917 Hankinson, T. L. Amphibians and reptiles of the Charleston Region. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 10():322-330
1924 Blanchard, Frank N. A collection of amphibians and reptiles from southeastern Missouri and southern Illinois. Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters 4():533-541
1928 Cleave, H. J. van A study of the characters for the identification of the snakes of Illinois. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 20():133-136
1935 Schmidt, K. P. ; Necker, W. L. Amphibians and reptiles of the Chicago region. Bulletin of the Chicago Academy of Sciences 5():59-79
1937 Cahn, A. R. The turtles of Illinois. Illinois Biological Monographs 16(1-2):1-218
1938 Necker, W. L. Check list of reptiles and amphibians of the Chicago region. Chicago Academy of Sciences Leaflet 1():Unpaginated
1938 Schmidt, K. P. Turtles of the Chicago area. Field Museum Chicago 14():1-24
1939 Necker, W. L. Poisonous snakes of Illinois. Chicago Naturalist 2():35-47
1939 Necker, W. L. Records of amphibians and reptiles of the Chicago region, 1935-1938. Annotated list. Bulletin of the Chicago Academy of Sciences 6(1):1-10
1941 Gloyd, H. K. Amphibians and reptiles of Illinois. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 34(2):220
1941 Owens, D. W. Some amphibians and reptiles from southern Illinois. Copeia 1941():183-184
1942 Cagle, Fred R. Herpetological fauna of Jackson and Union Counties, Illinois. American Midland Naturalist 28(1):164-200
1942 Cagle, Fred R. Turtle populations in southern Illinois. Copeia 1942():155-162
1942 Peters, J. A. Reptiles and amphibians of Cumberland County, Illinois. Copeia 1942():182-183
1947 Langebartel, D. A. Snakes collected at Camp Eastman, Hancock County, Illinois. Herpetologica 4(1):27-28
1948 Stille, W. J. ; Edgren, R. A. New records for amphibians and reptiles in the Chicago area, 1939-1947. Bulletin of the Chicago Academy of Sciences 8(7):195-202
1948 Edgren, R. A. ; Stille, W. T. Check list of Chicago area amphibians and reptiles. Natural History Miscellanea (Chicago) 26():1-7
1948 Cagle, Fred R. The growth of turtles in Lake Glendale, Illinois. Copeia 1948(3):197-202
1950 Smith, Phillip W. ; Burger, W. L. Additional noteworthy Herpetological records for Illinois. Natural History Miscellanea (Chicago) 56():1-3
1950 Seibert, H. C. Population density of snakes in an area near Chicago. Copeia 1950():229-230
1951 Smith, A. G. Key to the amphibians and reptiles of the Chicago area. Contributions to the Department of Biology, Loyola University 7():1-4
1951 Pope, Clifford H. The reptiles and amphibians of the Chicago area. Fieldiana. Zoology. Special Publications 22(3):3-4
1953 Smith, Phillip W. Some facts about Illinois snakes and their control. Biological Notes, Urbana 32():1-8
1954 Stein, H. A. Additional records, of amphibians and reptiles in southern Illinois. American Midland Naturalist 51(1):311-312
1955 Parmalee, P. W. Reptiles of Illinois. Illinois State Mus., Springfield, Illinois. pp.
1956 Olson, R. E. The amphibians and reptiles of Winnebago County, Illinois. Copeia 1956():188-191
1957 Smith, Phillip W. ; Minton, Sherman A. A distributional summary of the herpetofauna of Indiana and Illinois. American Midland Naturalist 58():341-351
1957 Minton, Sherman A. ; Smith, Phillip W. A distributional summary of the herpetofauna of Indiana and Illinois. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science 66():328
1960 Rossman, Douglas A. Herpetofaunal survey of the Pine Hills area of southern Illinois. Quarterly Journal of the Florida Academy of Sciences 22():207-225
1961 Smith, Phillip W. The amphibians and reptiles of Illinois. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 28():1-298
1962 Moll, E. O. Recent Herpetological records for Illinois. Herpetologica 18():207-209
1962 Parmalee, P. W. Additional faunal records of the Kingston Lake Site, Illinois. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 55():6-12
1962 Parmalee, P. W. The faunal complex of the Fisher Site, Illinois. American Midland Naturalist 68():399-408
1963 Ross, H. H. The dunesland heritage of Illinois Circular of the Illinois Naturatl History Survey 49():1-28
1963 Myers, C. W. ; Klimstra, W. D. Amphibians and reptiles of an ecologically disturbed (strip-mined) area in southern Illinois. American Midland Naturalist 70():126-132
1964 Inger, R. F. Chicagoland's reptiles and amphibians. Chicago Natural History Museum Bulletin 5(7):2
1964 Parmalee, P. W. Vertebrate remains from an historic archaeological site in Rock Island County, Illinois. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 57():167-174
1965 Klimstra, W. D. ; Hutchinson, M. A collection of amphibians and reptiles in southern Illinois. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 58():151-156
1966 Holman, J. Alan Herpetological records from northcentral Illinois. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 59():298-300
1967 Munyer, E. A. ; Parmalee, P. W. Additional Herpetological records from Sangamon, Macoupin and Menard Counties, Illinois. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 60():200-202
1972 Parmalee, P. W. ; Paloumpis, A. A. ; Wilson, N. Animals utilized by woodland peoples occupying the Apple Creek site, Illinois. Reports and Investigations of the Illinois State Museum 23():1-62
1972 Thompson, M. P. An annotated list of the summer vertebrate fauna of Upper Lusk Creek, Pope County, Illinois. Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 33(3-4):49-56
1974 Dyrkacz, S. Rare and/or endangered species of Illinois: reptiles and amphibians. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 9(1-2):15-16
1974 Dancik, T. A survey of the turtles of the Des Plaines river. Bulletin Chicago Herpetological Society 9(3-4):23-33
1975 Brown, L. E. ; Funk, R. S. ; Moll, D. ; Tucker, J. K. Distributional notes on reptiles in Illinois. Herpetological Review 6(3):78-79
1976 Morris, M. A. New herpetofaunal records for Illinois. Herpetological Review 7(3):126-127
1976 Blanchard, S. E. ; Princen, L. H. Survey on the occurrence of reptiles and amphibians in central Illinois. Proceedings Peoria Academy of Science 9():29-35
1977 Moll, D. ; Paukstis, G. L. ; Tucker, J. K. Herpetological records from Illinois. Herpetological Review 8(3):85
1977 Walley, H. D. Range extensions and new county records of some Illinois amphibians and reptiles. Herpetological Review 8(4):125
1977 Rosetar, A. A key to the amphibians and reptiles of northwest Indiana and adjacent Illinois. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 12(3):84-88
1978 Applegate, R. D. ; Zimbleman, C. W. Herpetofauna of the Dixon Springs Agricultural Center and vicinity, Pope County, Illinois. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 13(3):72-74
1980 Bushey, C. L. A survey of the herpetofauna of the upper Des Plaines River Valley, Lake County, Illinois. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 109(6):22-25
1981 Murphy, J. C. The Illinois sand prairies. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 16(1):18-26
1981 Bock, J. H. ; Bock, C. E. ; Fritz, R. J. Biogeography of Illinois reptiles and amphibians: A numerical analysis. American Midland Naturalist 106(2):258-270
1982 Dodd, C. Kenneth A controversy surrounding an endangered species listing: the case of the Illinois mud turtle. Smithsonian Herpetological Information Service 55():1-22
1983 Morris, M. A. ; Funk, R. S. ; Smith, Phillip W. An annotated bibliography of the Illinois Herpetological literature 1960-1980, and an updated checklist of species of the state. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 33(2):123-138
1984 Bickham, J. W. ; Springer, M. D. ; Gallaway, B. J. Distributional survey of the Yellow Mud Turtle (Kinosternon flavescens) in Iowa, Illinois, and Missouri: A proposed endangered species. Southwestern Naturalist 29(1):123-132
1985 Gallway, B. J. ; Bickham, J. W. ; Springer, M. D. A controversy surrounding an endangered species listing: the case of the Illinois mud turtle, another perspective. Smithsonian Herpetological Information Service 64():1-17
1986 Dloogatch, M. Four days in Shawnee. Chicago Herpetological Society Newsletter 1986(June):4
1987 Brown, L. E. A newly discovered population of Kirtland's Snake with comments on habitat and rarity in central Illinois. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 22(1):32-33
1989 Cochran, P. A. Historical changes in a suburban herpetofauna in Du Page County, Illinois. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 24(1):1-7
1990 Mierzwa, K. S. Amphibians and reptiles of the Palos Preserves. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 25(3):49-50
1991 Cochran, P. A. Oliver (1843): An early reference to snakes in Illinois. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 26(4):86-87
1991 Thurow, G. R. ; Sliwinski, R. P. Herpetological distribution records from Illinois. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 26(6):129-132
1991 Barten, S. A herping trip to southern Illinois. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 26(9):199-200
1992 Ludwig, D. R. ; Redmer, M. ; Domazlicky, R. ; Kobal, S. ; Conklin, B. Current status of amphibians and reptiles in DuPage County, Illinois. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 85(3-4):187-199
1994 Tucker, J. K. Noteworthy distributional records for some snakes from Jersey and Madison counties, Illinois. Herpetological Review 25(2):79-80
1995 Redmer, M. ; Ballard, S. R. Recent distribution records for amphibians and reptiles in Illinois. Herpetological Review 26(1):49-53
1995 Olson, R. E. Important Herpetological notes for northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin. Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society 31(2):96
1995 Tucker, J. K. Notes on road-killed snakes and their implications on habitat modification due to summer flooding on the Mississippi River in west central Illinois. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 88(1-2):61-71
1996 Hartup, B. K. Rehabilitation of native reptiles and amphibians in DuPage County, Illinois. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 32(1):109-112
1998 Petzing, J. E. ; Phillips, C. A. ; Dreslik, M. J. ; Wilson, A. K. ; Redmer, M. ; Anton, T. G. ; Mauger, D. ; Blanford, M. J. New amphibian and reptile records in Illinois. Herpetological Review 29(3):179-182
1998 Mierzwa, K. S. ; Palis, J. G. The amphibians and reptiles of Scott Air Force Base and Mid-America Airport, St. Clair County, Illinois. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 33(11):237-242
1998 Redmer, M. ; Kruse, G. Updates to the list of Illinois' endangered and threatened amphibians and reptiles. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 33(11):244-245
1998 Burbrink, F. T. ; Phillips, C. A. ; Heske, E. J. A riparian zone in southern Illinois as a potential dispersal corridor for reptiles and amphibians. Biological Conservation 86(2):107-115
1999 Phillips, C. A. ; Brandon, R. A. ; Moll, E. O. Field guide to amphibians and reptiles of Illinois. Illinois Natural History Survey Manual 8():1-282
1999 Wilson, A. K. New Illinois amphibian and reptile distribution records from the Kaskaskia River drainage. Herpetological Review 30(2):118-120
1999 Thurow, G. R. Herpetofaunal changes in McDonough County, Illinois. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 92(1-2):147-161
1999 Anton, T. G. Current distribution and status of amphibians and reptiles in Cook County, Illinois. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 92(3-4):211-232
2000 Harding, J. Reptiles and Amphibians of the Great Lakes Region. University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, Michigan. pp.
2000 Petzing, J. E. ; Dreslik, M. J. ; Phillips, C. A. ; Smith, C. D. ; Kuhns, A. R. ; Shepard, D. B. ; Palis, J. G. ; Moll, E. O. ; Olson, D. J. ; Anton, T. G. ; Mauger, D. ; Kingsbury, B. New amphibian and reptile county records in Illinois. Herpetological Review 31(3):189-194
2000 Wilson, A. K. Amphibian and reptile surveys in the Kaskaskia River drainage of Illinois during 1997 and 1998. Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science 107(3-4):203-205
2001 Markezich, A. L. ; Beckett, D. J. New amphibian and reptile records in northwestern Illinois. Herpetological Review 32(2):132-134
2002 Anderson, R. V. ; Gutierrez, M. L. ; Romano, M. A. Turtle habitat use in a reach of the upper Mississippi River. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 17(2):171-177
2002 Giazzon, M. D. New amphibian and reptile county records from Logan County, Illinois, USA. Herpetological Review 33(2):151-152
2002 Crawford, J. A. ; Meyer, M. J. New county records of amphibians and reptiles from West-Central Illinois. Herpetological Review 33(4):326
2002 Petzing, J. E. ; Mui, J. M. ; Dreslik, M. J. ; Phillips, C. A. ; Shepard, D. B. ; Crawford, J. A. ; Kuhns, A. R. ; Meyer, M. J. ; Anton, T. G. ; Moll, E. O. ; Palis, J. G. ; Mauger, D. Filling in the gaps I: New county records for amphibians and reptiles in Illinois. Herpetological Review 33(4):327
2002 Giazzon, M. D. The amphibians and reptiles of Logan County, Illinois. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 95(3):215-227
2003 Mauger, D. ; Anton, T. G. Current distribution and status of amphibians and reptiles in Kankakee County, Illinois. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 38(5):89-95
2003 Foster, C. D. ; Hampton, P. Amphibians and reptiles in three state parks in east central Illinois. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 96(3):219-228
2004 Kuhns, A. R. ; Crawford, J. A. New county records for amphibians and reptiles from Pulaski County, Illinois. Herpetological Review 35(4):419-420
2005 Dreslik, M. J. ; Kuhns, A. R. ; Phillips, C. A. Structure and composition of a southern Illinois freshwater turtle assemblage. Northeastern Naturalist 12(2):173-186
2006 Tucker, J. K. ; Lamer, J. T. ; Dolan, C. R. ; Dustman, E. A. Natural history notes: Chelonian species. Record carapace lengths for Illinois. Herpetological Review 37(4):453-455
2006 Walley, H. D. ; Wusterbarth, T. L. ; Sacerdote, A. An overlooked book relating to the herpetofauna of Illinois. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 41(10):181-182
2006 Reehl, M. ; Thompson, J. ; Tucker, J. K. A three year survey of aquatic turtles in a riverside pond. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 99(3-4):145-152
2007 Tucker, J. K. ; Phillips, C. Reptiles and amphibians at Spunky Bottoms. Illinois Natural History Survey Special Publication 29():32-33
2007 Foster, C. D. ; Mullin, S. J. Updated and new amphibian and reptile records from Clark County, Illinois. Herpetological Review 38(2):238-239
2007 Petzing, J. E. ; Mui, J. M. ; Dreslik, M. J. ; Kuhns, A. R. ; Shepard, D. B. ; Phillips, C. A. ; Tucker, J. K. ; Warner, J. K. ; Mauger, D. ; Anton, T. G. ; Gittinger, E. J. ; Hunkapiller, T. R. ; Filling in the gaps II: new Illinois amphibian and reptile county records from 2000-2005. Herpetological Review 38(2):240-243
2008 Readel, A. M. ; Phillips, C. A. A survey of aquatic turtles at Kickapoo State Park and Middle Fork State Fish and Wildlife Area (MFSFWA). Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 101(1-2):107-112
2008 Tucker, J. K. ; Lamer, J. T. ; Dolan, C. R. A northern range expansion for the green tree frog (Hyla cinerea) and trends in distributions of Illinois reptiles and amphibians. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 101(1-2):125-131
2009 Phillips, C. A. ; Ward, M. P. ; Bailey, S. ; Hofmann, J. E. ; Merritt, J. F. Fur, scales, and feathers; changes to Illinois' nongame vertebrate fauna. Illinois Natural History Survey Special Publication 30():89-110
2009 Petzing, J. E. ; Esker, T. L. ; Buhnerkempe, T. ; Edgin, B. R. Amphibian and reptile records from Southeastern Illinois, USA. Herpetological Review 40(2):241-243
2010 Palis, J. G. Herpetofauna of Illinois Audubon Society's Lusk Creek Tract, Pope County, Illinois, with comparisons to Thompson Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 45(10):153-156
2010 Palis, J. G. A non-disruptive assessment of a southern Illinois snake den 60 years after Conway. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science 119(1):74-79
2011 Bluett, R. D. ; Schauber, E. M. ; Bloomquist, C. K. ; Brown, D. A. Sampling assemblages of turtles in Central Illinois: A case study of capture efficiency and species coverage. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 104(3-4):127-136
2013 Kessler, E. J. ; Kuhns, A. R. ; Crawford, J. A. ; Phillips, C. A. ; Wright, E. M. ; Anthonysamy, W. J. B. ; Esker, T. L. ; Gillespie, J. ; Jacques, L. J. ; Saffer, R. S. New county records of reptiles and amphibians from state managed properties in East-Central Illinois, USA. Herpetological Review 44(2):286-288
2013 Bluett, R. D. ; Louis, W. E. ; Newhouse, D. A. ; Handel, C. J. ; Kube, J. H. Longitudinal structuring of turtle assemblages in an altered river in Central Illinois, USA: Implications for conservation. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 106():47-53
2014 Anthonysamy, W. J. B. ; Dreslik, M. J. ; Mauger, D. ; Phillips, C. A. A preliminary assessment of habitat partitioning in a freshwater turtle community at an isolated preserve. Copeia 2014(2):269-278
2015 Anonymous. Current distribution and status of amphibians and reptiles in Will County, Illinois. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 40(1):1-31
2015 Kessler, E. J. ; Kuhns, A. R. ; Rhoden, C. M. ; Phillips, C. A. ; Cook, C. E. ; Keigher, A. K. ; Crawford, J. A. New county records of reptiles and amphibians from state-managed properties in Illinois. Herpetological Review 46(4):603-604
2016 Pope, C. H. Amphibians and Reptiles of the Chicago Area. Rev. ed. (First published in 1944). CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, place of publication unknown. pp.
2016 Saffer, R. S. ; Huisman, M. ; Singh, P. ; Leman, C. ; Burkett, W. ; Dotterer, N. ; Huber, S. ; Walter, V. ; Zimmerman, A. ; Thorson-Saffer, A. New county records of reptiles and amphibians from Livingston and Ford Counties in East-Central Illinois, USA. Herpetological Review 47(4):637-638
2016 Anton, T. G. ; Cavataio, J. T. ; Mills, D. New amphibian and reptile records from Illinois, USA. Herpetological Review 47(4):638
2016 Palis, J. G. Snakes of “Snake Road”. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 51(1):1-9
2017 Feng, C. Y. ; Kuhns, A. R. ; Baum, B. J. ; Walder, M. R. ; Lesko, J. M. ; Esker, T. New county distribution records of aquatic turtles in South-Central Illinois. Herpetological Review 48(4):820-821

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