Provincial/State Species Lists and References

Canada: Alberta (20) British Columbia (41) Labrador (7) Manitoba (24) New Brunswick (24) Newfoundland (7) Northwest Territories (6) Nova Scotia (24) Nunavut (3) Ontario (53) Prince Edward Island (14) Quebec (38) Saskatchewan (22) Yukon (4)

Alabama (177) Alaska (10) Arizona (155) Arkansas (126) California (206) Colorado (74) Connecticut (50) Delaware (67) District of Columbia (59) Florida (192) Georgia (184) Hawaii (33) Idaho (40) Illinois (106) Indiana (97) Iowa (70) Kansas (99) Kentucky (114) Louisiana (150) Maine (39) Maryland (94) Massachusetts (53) Michigan (55) Minnesota (51) Mississippi (153) Missouri (117) Montana (34) Nebraska (62) Nevada (79) New Hampshire (42) New Jersey (79) New Mexico (136) New York (73) North Carolina (168) North Dakota (28) Ohio (83) Oklahoma (143) Oregon (72) Pennsylvania (81) Rhode Island (44) South Carolina (142) South Dakota (46) Tennessee (142) Texas (240) Utah (76) Vermont (40) Virginia (150) Washington (51) West Virginia (90) Wisconsin (55) Wyoming (40)

Established Extant Amphibians and Reptiles of Alaska

Amphibia Gray, 1825 — Amphibians
Anura Fischer von Waldheim, 1813 — Frogs
Bufonidae Gray, 1825 — True Toads
Anaxyrus boreas (Baird and Girard, 1852) — Western Toad
Hylidae Rafinesque, 1815 — Treefrogs and Allies
Pseudacris regilla (Baird and Girard, 1852) — Pacific Treefrog
Ranidae Rafinesque, 1814 — True Frogs
Lithobates sylvaticus (LeConte, 1825) — Wood Frog
Rana aurora Baird and Girard, 1852 — Northern Red-legged Frog
Rana luteiventris Thompson, 1913 — Columbia Spotted Frog
Caudata Scopoli, 1777 — Salamanders
Ambystomatidae Gray, 1850 — Mole Salamanders
Ambystoma gracile (Baird, 1859) — Northwestern Salamander
Ambystoma macrodactylum Baird, 1850 — Long-toed Salamander
Salamandridae Goldfuss, 1820 — Newts
Taricha granulosa (Skilton, 1849) — Rough-skinned Newt
Reptilia Laurenti, 1768 — Reptiles
Testudines Batsch, 1788 — Turtles
Cheloniidae Oppel, 1811 — Sea Turtles
Lepidochelys olivacea (Eschscholtz, 1829) — Olive Ridley Sea Turtle
Dermochelyidae Fitzinger, 1843 — Leatherback Sea Turtles
Dermochelys coriacea (Vandelli, 1761) — Leatherback Sea Turtle

(map source

Alaska Herpetological Publications
1955 Logier, E. B. Shelle and G. C. Toner. Checklist of the amphibians and reptiles of Canada and Alaska. Contributions of the Royal Ontario Museum of Zoology 41():1-88
1961 Logier, E. B. Shelle and G. C. Toner. Check list of the amphibians and reptiles of Canada and Alaska. A revision of Contribution no. 41. Contribution no. 53 Life Sciences Division. Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada. 92pp.
1976 Hodge, R. P. Amphibians and reptiles in Alaska, the Yukon and Northwest Territories. Alaska Northwest Publishing Company, Anchorage, Alaska. 89pp.

THE CENTER FOR NORTH AMERICAN HERPETOLOGY — Accessed: Friday 24 January 2025 01:17 CT