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Schonberger, C. F. Food of some amphibians and reptiles of Oregon and Washington. Copeia 1945():120-121
Slater, J. R. A key to the adult reptiles of Washington State. Occasional Papers Department of Biology College of Puget Sound 23():209-211
Slater, J. R. Distribution of Washington reptiles. Occasional Papers Department of Biology College of Puget Sound 24():212-233
Harris, H. S. Distributional survey (Amphibia/ Reptilia): Maryland and the District of Columbia. Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society 11(3):73-167
Harris, M. J. Herpetofauna of Yakawawa Canyon, Washington. Northwest Science 50(2):114-121
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Thomas, J. W. (ed. ) 137 wildlife species in the Blue Mountains of 'special interest'. United States Department of Agriculture Agriculture Handbook 553():191-197
Thomas, J. W. (ed. ) Composite occurrence and orientation list for 378 wildlife species in the Blue Mountains. United States Department of Agriculture Agriculture Handbook 553():200-245
Thomas, J. W. (ed. ) Versatility ratings of 326 wildlife species. United States Department of Agriculture Agriculture Handbook 553():308-331
Thomas, J. W. (ed. ) Additional habitat considerations for 378 wildlife species of the Blue Mountains listed in phylogenetic sequence by common name. United States Department of Agriculture Agriculture Handbook 553():360-377
Nussbaum, R. A. ; Brodie, E. D. ; Storm, R. M. Amphibians and reptiles of the Pacific Northwest. University Press of Idaho, Pocatello, Idaho. pp.
Bury, R. B. ; Corn, P. S. Douglas-fir forests in the Oregon and Washington cascades: Relation of the herpetofauna to stand age and moisture. United States Forest Service General Technical Report RM, 166. 11-22pp.
Rickard, W. H. ; Poole, L. D. Terrestrial wildlife of the Hanford Site: past and future. Northwest Science 63(4):183-193
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Johnson, M. Reptiles of the State of Washington (1954). (Previously unpublished historical article Includes associated preface by RM Storm and list of current nomenclature, pp 1-2) Northwest Fauna 3():1-80
McAllister, K. R. Distribution of amphibians and reptiles in Washington State. Northwest Fauna 3():81-112
Aubry, K. B. ; Gregory, P. Herpetology in the Puget lowlands of western Washington and southwestern British Columbia. Herpetological Review 28(1):12-13
Adams, M. J. ; West, S. D. ; Kalmbach, L. Amphibian and reptile surveys of U.S. Navy lands on the Kitsap and Toandos Peninsulas, Washington. Northwestern Naturalist 80(1):1-7
Gaines, W. L. ; Singleton, P. H. ; Ross, R. C. Assessing the cumulative effects of linear recreation routes on wildlife habitats on the Okanogan and Wenatchee National Forests. United States Forest Service General Technical Report PNW, 586. 1-79pp.
Harris, H. S. The past history of documenting the distributions of amphibians and reptiles of Maryland and the district of Columbia. Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society 45(1):14-16
Miller, R. W. The reptiles of Maryland and the district of Columbia: missing specimen lists. Smithsonian Herpetological Information Service 140():1-2, 1-10
Orr, J. M. ; Mendoza, L. Herpetofaunal survey of Mason Neck State Park and Mason Neck National Wildlife Refuge. Catesbeiana 31(2):59-72