Laurenti, Josephi N. Specimen medicum exhibens synopsin reptilium emendatam cum experimentis circa venena et antidota reptilium austriacorum. [A medical specimen presenting an improved synopsis of reptiles with experiments on the venoms and antidotes of Austrian reptiles.] Typ. Joan. Thom. Nob. de Trattnern, Viennae. 214pp.
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Allan, Michael, Patrick T. Gregory, and Christopher J. Prelypchan. The ecology of introduced Common Wall Lizards (Podarcis muralis) in Saanich, Vancouver Island. Final Report, British Columbia Ministry of Environment. 24pp.
Draud, Matthew and John Ferner. Podarcis muralis (common wall lizard). USA: Kentucky. Herpetological Review 25(1):33
Walker, Z. and Guntram Deichsel. Geographic distribution: Podarcis muralis. Herpetological Review 36():302