Reptilia    Testudines    Trionychidae  

Amur River Softshell
Pelodiscus maackii (Brandt, 1858)

Current SSAR Comments:
Newly listed species. Native to eastern Russia, northeastern China, Korea, and possibly Japan. It is established on O'ahu, Hawai'i (Dong et al., 2016, Conservation Genetics 17: 207–220). It was not listed in Meshaka et al. (2022, Exotic Amphibians and Reptiles of the United States. University of Florida Press, Gainesville, Florida).

Range maps are based on curated specimens and provided gratis by CNAH.
(Created by Travis W. Taggart; Version: 2023.
Download GeoJSON polygon range file: - 0.02 MB

First instance(s) of published English names:
No historic English names have been assigned to this taxon yet.

Taxon Links:

Catalog of American Amphibians and Reptiles
The Reptile Database
USGS - Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database

Pertinent LIterature:
1858 Brandt, Johann F Observationes quaedam ad generis Trionychum species duas novas spectantes. Bulletin de la Classe Physico-Mathematique de L'Academie Imperiale des Sciences 16(7):110-111
2016 Dong, Caroline M., Tag N. Engstrom, and Robert C. Thomson. Origins of softshell turtles in Hawaii with implications for conservation. Conservation Genetics 17():207-220
2021 Rhodin, Anders G. J., John B. Iverson, Roger Bour, Uwe Fritz, Arthur Georges, H. Bradley Shaffer, and Peter Paul van Dijk. Turtles and tortoises of the world during the rise and global spread of humanity: First checklist and review of extinct pleistocene and holocene chelonians. Chelonian Research Monographs (8):1-472

THE CENTER FOR NORTH AMERICAN HERPETOLOGY — Accessed: Tuesday 04 February 2025 21:58 CT