Mertens, Robert. Die Rassen der Schmetterlingsagame, Leiolepis belliana. [The breeds of the butterfly dragon, Leiolepis belliana.] Senckenbergiana biologica 42(5/6):507-510
Krysko, Kenneth L., Kevin M. Enge, and Claudia A. MacKenzie-Krysko. The Red-banded Butterfly Lizard, Leiolepis rubritaeniata Mertens 1961 (Sauria: Leiolepidadae), a new documented nonindigenous species in Florida. Reptiles & Amphibians 20(4):197-198
Cobb, Nicole R., Kenneth L. Krysko, and Jan-Michael Archer. Genetic confirmation of two nonnative species of butterfly lizards (Leiolepidae; Leiolepis) with established populations in Florida, USA. Bulletin of the Florida Museum of Natural History 54(8):131–137
Krysko, Kenneth L., Kevin M. Enge, and Paul E. Moler (Editor) Amphibians and Reptiles of Florida. University Press of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. 728pp.
Meshaka, Walter E. Jr., R. Bruce Bury, Suzanne L. Collins, and Malcolm L. McCallum. Exotic Amphibians and Reptiles of the United States. University Press of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. 245pp.