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Krysko, Kenneth L. ; Burgess, J. P. ; Rochford, M. R. ; Gillette, C. R. ; Cueva, D. ; Enge, Kevin M. ; Somma, L. A. ; Stabile, J. L. ; Smith, D. C. ; Wasilewski, J. A. ; Kieckhefer, G. N. ; Granatosky, M. Verified non-indigenous amphibians and reptiles in Florida from 1863 through 2010: outlining the invasion process and identifying invasion pathways and stages. Zootaxa 3028():1-64
Krysko, Kenneth L., Joseph P. Burgess, Michael R. Rochford, Christopher R. Gillette, Daniel Cueva, Kevin M. Enge, Louis A. Somma, Jennifer L. Stabile, Dustin C. Smith, Joseph A. Wasilewski, Guy N. Kieckhefer III, Michael C. Granatosky & Stuart V. Nielsen. Verified non-indigenous amphibians and reptiles in Florida from 1863 through 2010: Outlining the invasion process and identifying invasion pathways and stages. Zootaxa 3028(1):1-64