Amphibia    Anura    Hylidae  

Pine Barrens Treefrog
Dryophytes andersonii (Baird, 1854)

Current SSAR Comments:
This species has a conspicuously fragmented range across eastern North America that mirrors that of some wetland-associated plant species (Warwick et al., 2021, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 133: 120–134). Remarkably, no subspecies have ever been proposed. Recent molecular work by Oswald et al. (2020, Journal of Herpetology. 54: 206–215) found geographic variation consistent with geographic isolation and estimated divergence times, but neither work suggested that taxonomic changes at any level were warranted.

Range maps are based on curated specimens and provided gratis by CNAH.
(Created by Travis W. Taggart; Version: 2023.
Download GeoJSON polygon range file: - 0.25 MB

First instance(s) of published English names:
Anderson's Tree Toad (Hyla andersonii: Jordan, David Starr. 1876. Manual of the Vertebrates of the Northern United States: Including the District East of the Mississippi River, and North of North Carolina and Tennessee, Exclusive of Marine Species. Jansen, McClurg, and Company, Chicago, Illinois.. 342pp.); Anderson's Tree Toad (Hyla andersonii: Jordan, David S. 1878. Manual of the Vertebrates of the Northern United States: Including the District East of the Mississippi River, and North of North Carolina and Tennessee, Exclusive of Marine Species. Second Edition, Revised, and Enlarged. Jansen, McClurg & Company, Chicago. pp.); Anderson's Hyla (Hyla andersoni: Yarrow, Henry C. 1882. Check list of North American Reptilia and Batrachia with catalogue of specimens in U. S. National Museum. Bulletin of the United States National Museum (24):1-249); Anderson Tree Toad (Hyla andersonii: Fowler, Henry W. 1907. The amphibians and reptiles of New Jersey. MacCrellish and Quigley, Trenton, N. J.. 29-250pp.); Green and Yellow Tree-toad (Hyla andersonii: Wright, Anna Allen, and Alex Hazen Wright. 1933. Handbook of frogs and toads. The frogs and toads of the United States and Canada Comstock Publishing Associates, Ithaca, NY. xi+231pp.); Anderson's Tree Frog (Hyla andersonii: Wright, Anna Allen, and Alex Hazen Wright. 1933. Handbook of frogs and toads. The frogs and toads of the United States and Canada Comstock Publishing Associates, Ithaca, NY. xi+231pp.); Anderson's Hyla (Hyla andersonii: Wright, Anna Allen, and Alex Hazen Wright. 1933. Handbook of frogs and toads. The frogs and toads of the United States and Canada Comstock Publishing Associates, Ithaca, NY. xi+231pp.); Anderson Tree-frog (Hyla andersonii: Wright, Anna Allen, and Alex Hazen Wright. 1933. Handbook of frogs and toads. The frogs and toads of the United States and Canada Comstock Publishing Associates, Ithaca, NY. xi+231pp.); Pine Barrens Tree Frog (Hyla andersoni: Schmidt, Karl P. 1953. A Check List of North American Amphibians and Reptiles. 6th Edition. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois. 280pp.);

Taxon Links:

Catalog of American Amphibians and Reptiles
Amphibian Species of the World
USGS - Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database

Pertinent LIterature:
1854 Baird, Spencer F. Descriptions of new genera and species of North American frogs. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 7():59–62
1967 Gosner, K. L. and I. H. Black. Hyla andersonii. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles (54):1–2
1982 Karlin, Alvan A. , D., Bruce Means, Sheldon I. Guttman, and Daphne D. Lambright. Systematics and the Status of Hyla andersonii (Anura: Hylidae) in Florida. Copeia 1982(1):175-178
2005 Lannoo, Michael (Editor) Amphibian Declines: The Conservation Status of United States Species. University fo California Press, Berkeley. 1115pp.
2013 Dodd, C. Kenneth. Frogs of the United States and Canada. John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland. 982pp.
2020 Oswald, Kenneth J., Mark A. Roberts, Paul E. Moler, Rudolf G. Arndt, Jeffrey D. Camper and Joseph M. Quattro. Wetlands, evolution, and conservation of the Pine Barrens Treefrog (Hyla andersonii). Journal of Herpetology 54(2):206–215
2021 Warwick, Alexa R., Lisa N. Barrow, Megan L. Smith, D. Bruce Means, Alan R. Lemmon, and Emily Moriarty Lemmon. Signatures of north-eastern expansion and multiple refugia: Genomic phylogeography of the Pine Barrens tree frog, Hyla andersonii (Anura: Hylidae) Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 133(1):120-134
2023 Dodd, C. Kenneth. Frogs of the United States and Canada. Second Edition. John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland. 1032pp.

THE CENTER FOR NORTH AMERICAN HERPETOLOGY — Accessed: Thursday 30 January 2025 02:23 CT