Amphibia    Caudata    Plethodontidae  

Southern California Slender Salamander
Batrachoseps major Camp, 1915

Current SSAR Comments:
Jockusch et al. (2020, PeerJ, 8(e9599)) gave a detailed phylogeographic estimate of B. major and the southern clade of B. nigriventris based on mitochondrial and nuclear evidence. Several species including B. major comprise deeply divergent genetic lineages that do not correspond to existing taxonomy. They retained B. m. aridus, but additional revision is needed.

Range maps are based on curated specimens and provided gratis by CNAH.
(Created by Travis W. Taggart; Version: 2024.
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First instance(s) of published English names:
Southern Slender Salamander (Batrachoseps attenuatus leucopus: Schmidt, Karl P. 1953. A Check List of North American Amphibians and Reptiles. 6th Edition. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois. 280pp.); Greater Slender Salamander (Batrachoseps pacificus major: Schmidt, Karl P. 1953. A Check List of North American Amphibians and Reptiles. 6th Edition. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois. 280pp.); Garden Slender Salamander (Batrachoseps pacificus major: Conant, Roger, Fred R. Cagle, Coleman J. Goin, Charles H. Lowe, Wilfred T. Neill, M. Graham Netting, Karl P. Schmidt, Charles E. Shaw, Robert C. Stebbins, and Charles M. Bogert. 1956. Common names for North American amphibians and reptiles. Copeia 1956(3):172-185); Desert Slender Salamander (Batrachoseps aridus: Collins, Joseph T., James E. Huheey, James L. Knight, and Hobart M. Smith. 1978. Standard common and current scientific names for North American amphibians and reptiles. Herpetological Circulars (7):36);

Taxon Links:

Catalog of American Amphibians and Reptiles
Amphibian Species of the World
USGS - Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database

Pertinent LIterature:
1915 Camp, Charles L. Batrachoseps major and Bufo cognatus californicus, new Amphibia from southern California. University of California Publications in Zoology 12():327-334
2020 Jockusch Elizabeth L., Robert W. Hansen, R. N. Fisher, and David B.Wake. Slender salamanders (genus Batrachoseps) reveal Southern California to be a center for the diversification, persistence, and introduction of salamander lineages. PeerJ 8(e9599):

THE CENTER FOR NORTH AMERICAN HERPETOLOGY — Accessed: Friday 24 January 2025 00:56 CT