Amphibia    Anura    Bufonidae  

Amargosa Toad
Anaxyrus nelsoni (Stejneger, 1893)

Current SSAR Comments:
See comment under Anaxyrus boreas.

Range maps are based on curated specimens and provided gratis by CNAH.
(Created by Travis W. Taggart; Version: 2023.
Download GeoJSON polygon range file: - 0.02 MB

First instance(s) of published English names:
Amargosa Toad (Bufo boreas nelsoni: Schmidt, Karl P. 1953. A Check List of North American Amphibians and Reptiles. 6th Edition. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois. 280pp.); Amargosa Toad (Anaxyrus nelsoni: Frost, Darrel R., Roy W. McDiarmid, Joseph R. Mendelson III, and David M. Green. 2012. Anura - Frogs. Pages 11-22 in Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, Herpetological Circular No. 39. pp.);

Taxon Links:

Catalog of American Amphibians and Reptiles
Amphibian Species of the World
USGS - Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database

Pertinent LIterature:
1893 Stejneger, Leonard. Annotated list of the reptiles and batrachians collected by the Death Valley Expedition in 1891, with descriptions of new species. North American Fauna 7():159–228
1985 Stebbins, Robert C. Peterson Field Guide to Western Reptiles and Amphibians. 2nd ed. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, Massachusetts. pp.
1998 Altig, Ronald, Roy W. McDiarmid, K. A. Nichols, and Peter C. Ustach. A key to the anuran tadpoles of the United States and Canada. Contemporary Herpetology Information Series (2):
2005 Lannoo, Michael (Editor) Amphibian Declines: The Conservation Status of United States Species. University fo California Press, Berkeley. 1115pp.
2013 Dodd, C. Kenneth. Frogs of the United States and Canada. John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland. 982pp.
2023 Dodd, C. Kenneth. Frogs of the United States and Canada. Second Edition. John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland. 1032pp.

THE CENTER FOR NORTH AMERICAN HERPETOLOGY — Accessed: Wednesday 05 February 2025 05:51 CT