Statement of Purpose

The Center for North American Herpetology has been established to play a pivotal role in identifying and, where possible, rewarding the research efforts of those individuals investigating problems regarding the North American herpetofauna. Through encouragement by its Board of Directors, CNAH hopes to enhance the process of scientific discovery and disseminate as widely as possible the information gleaned from it to those herpetologists interested in the herpetofauna of the United States and Canada. In this manner, CNAH hopes to escalate the research efforts of other individuals and organizations so that populations of all amphibian, chelonian, reptilian, and crocodilian taxa eventually known to inhabit the United States and Canada will be preserved for future generations of citizens to enjoy and study.
Recognizing that efforts to research amphibians, turtles, reptiles, and crocodilians in North America (north of Mexico) can only be enhanced by the gathering and dissemination of more and better information about these creatures,The Center for North American Herpetology will produce and/or maintain on-line at its home page selected links that serve the North American herpetological community and any interested citizen.
Finally, recognizing that high-quality photography of amphibians, turtles, reptiles, and crocodilians is essential in emphasizing their importance to a curious and ever-growing number of younger aspiring herpetologists, citizen naturalists and environmentalists, The Center for North American Herpetology will serve as a substantial resource for professional-level color slides and high-resolution electronic images of these creatures, making them available at modest cost for use in non-profit endeavors, such as educational brochures and web sites, and at current industry-standard fees for use by others. Currently, CNAH has over 16,000 cataloged color slides (over 4,500 of them digitized) and an additional 3,600 digital images of amphibians, turtles, reptiles, and crocodilians, all by Suzanne L. Collins.

Created: 8/2/2023 12:00:00 AM
Last Updated: 8/25/2023 4:04:57 PM

THE CENTER FOR NORTH AMERICAN HERPETOLOGY — Accessed: Thursday 06 February 2025 16:01 CT